When to Consume Your Energy Gels for Performance - Fastfood™

When to Consume Your Energy Gel

Over the course of a long workout or competition, the glycogen reserves our bodies store get depleted. Energy gels are a scientifically proven way to help athletes get the energy they need ­ — when they need it — to finish strong. One study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that cyclists performed significantly better on a 15-minute time trial by regularly consuming energy gels during two hours of steady biking prior to the time trial.

Like with any supplement, though, you need to use the right amount on the right schedule. Consuming your energy gel too late or not often enough won’t give you enough benefits; too many gels, in an untrained stomach means you’re unable to process the total carbs you are consuming, resulting in gastric distress. Fastfood™ can help guide you to consume the right amount and frequency energy gels so you can perform at your highest level.

Who Should Use Energy Gels?

The Cleveland Clinic recommends that anyone who plans to exercise for more than an hour should consider sports gels or some other carbohydrate fuel source. Using energy gels for running, cycling, competitive sports and other moderate to intense exercise will help keep your glycogen levels up and prevent fatigue. Since these carbohydrates are easily digestible, they are quickly absorbed into your system and can be efficiently burned for energy.

How Often to Consume Energy Gels

In the study we referenced in the opening paragraph, researchers tested consuming energy gels every 30 minutes, every 45 minutes and not at all. On average, participants who consumed an energy gel every 45 minutes biked 7% farther in their cycling time trial. Consuming one every 30 minutes led to biking 13% farther than the control group.

With the specific carbohydrate blend of Fastfood™, we recommend starting with a gel/serving of Gummies every 20-30 minutes, giving you a total of 50-75g of carbs per hour. For endurance athletes who exercise 2-3+ hours at a time, this goes up to 90-120 grams per hour. If you haven’t eaten a carbohydrate-rich meal or snack recently, you should also consider taking an energy gel just before starting your workout.

Every person is different, of course, and these guidelines vary depending on factors such as a person’s body weight, their metabolism and how intensely they’re training. It should also be noted that, if you’re going to be working out for less than an hour, your body’s reserves are usually a sufficient energy source. Experiment with a refueling regimen to see what works best for you.

Train Harder with Fastfood™

We have developed our energy gels and gummies for clean sweetness with real-food flavor and benefits. Fastfood uses fruit juice and purees plus mineral sea salts to provide the easily accessible nutrients your body needs. A mix of glucose, fructose and galactose produces a blood sugar curve free from crashes. Add them to your workout regimen and see how Fastfood™ can help high-performance athletes of all ages reach their peak.


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